Maximum of 9 digits allowed. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
List your top choices for Engineering program in order of preference. Please note, you must indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices or your application will not be considered.
For example, while there are 3 Software Engineering streams, you are only able to choose Software Engineering for 1 of your choices, regardless of the stream chosen.
Here are your choices (in alphabetical order):
• Civil Engineering
• Computer Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
• Software Engineering
• Space Engineering
REMINDER: You must indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices or your application will not be considered.
Please note: While there are 3 Software Engineering streams, you are only able to choose Software Engineering for 1 of your choices, regardless of the stream chosen.
REMINDER: You must indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices or your application will not be considered.
Please note: While there are 3 Software Engineering streams, you are only able to choose Software Engineering for 1 of your choices, regardless of the stream chosen.
REMINDER: You must indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices or your application will not be considered.
Please note: While there are 3 Software Engineering streams, you are only able to choose Software Engineering for 1 of your choices, regardless of the stream chosen.
REMINDER: You must indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices or your application will not be considered.
Please note: While there are 3 Software Engineering streams, you are only able to choose Software Engineering for 1 of your choices, regardless of the stream chosen.
REMINDER: You must indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices or your application will not be considered.
Please note: While there are 3 Software Engineering streams, you are only able to choose Software Engineering for 1 of your choices, regardless of the stream chosen.
REMINDER: You must indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices or your application will not be considered.
Please note: While there are 3 Software Engineering streams, you are only able to choose Software Engineering for 1 of your choices, regardless of the stream chosen.
If eligible to continue in the BENG program, do you want to enrol in the International Development Studies (IDS) dual degree, BENG & BA?
Click here to learn more about the dual degree program.
This is a significant change to your degree and degree requirements. This means approx. 30 additional credits in order to complete the BA IDS portion of the degree in addition to the BENG degree requirements. The dual degree can typically be completed in 5 years, or 6 years with co-op.
By clicking "Yes" your degree will be changed to a BENG and BA International Development Studies as your 2nd major. *
Maximum of 100 words allowed. Currently Entered: 0 words.
Approval Process
Thank you for submitting your Declaration of Major form. The Lassonde School of Engineering will review your request and notify you once a decision is made. In addition, you MUST indicate 6 DIFFERENT program choices, or your application will not be reviewed. Once you have submitted this form, if you wish to make changes or if you have any questions about the status of your application, please contact ask@lassonde.yorku.ca.
Click here to learn more about the approval process.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Protection of Privacy
Protection of Privacy: Personal information in connection with this form is collected under the authority of The York University Act, 1965. The information will be used to process and review your application and for related record-keeping purposes. If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of this information by York University, please contact Manager, Student Advising, Lassonde Student Welcome and Support Centre, 105 Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence or call 416-650-8215.