Must be 9 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Logistical reasons related to my break from studies include (please check all that apply): *
Other reasons related to my break from studies include (please check all that apply): *
I plan to take a break for: *
Maximum of 1000 words allowed. Currently Entered: 0 words.
Enrolment Reminders
If you are required to maintain enrolment for any reason (e.g., to meet study permit requirements, OSAP requirements, scholarship eligibility or renewal requirements, health care coverage, etc.) please connect with the appropriate third party to discuss your circumstances:
- York International
- Registrarial Services and Student Financial Services
- National Student Loan Service Centre
- YFS Health and Dental Plan
- University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)
- Etc.
Reactivation, if/as applicable
Prior to resuming studies, students who do not enrol for an entire Fall/Winter session must submit a Reactivation Request.
Due to limited enrolment space and Faculty-specific requirements, approval of your reactivation request is not guaranteed. If your requested program is no longer accepting reactivations for the session you want, you may apply for another future re-entry point.
Required Advising, if/as applicable
When you resume studies, please complete Required Advising.
Protection of Privacy
Personal information in connection with this form is collected under the authority of The York University Act, 1965. The information will be used to better understand your motivations for taking a break from studies. Your motivations for taking a break from studies may help to inform our operations and resources for students. We appreciate your feedback.
If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of this information by York University, please contact the Manager, Student Advising, Lassonde School of Engineering, 105 Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence, York University (ask@lassonde.yorku.ca).